associated TP36: Effects of different vaccination strategies on the development of different glycosylated IgG antibodies
The affinity of IgG antibodies to inhibitory or activating Fcγ-receptors depends on their subclass and on their Fc N-glycosylation pattern. Under inflammatory condition more non-galactosylated antibodies could be found, whereas under anti-inflammatory conditions there were more galactosylated and sialylated antibodies (Bartsch et al. 2018; Hess et al. 2013; Oefner et al. 2012). Therefore our group investigates the development of these glycosylated antibodies and the underlying B- and T-cell responses.
In this project, we will investigate if different immunization strategies by using different adjuvants lead to differently glycosylated IgG antibodies. In this context, also differences in the B- and T-cell responses should be identified.

- Projects
- Projects
- Associated projects
- associated TP 31 - C5a/C5aR1 axis in EBA
- associated TP 32 - Cryptic antinuclear autoantibodies
- associated TP 33 - Lymphocyte-derived factors in the effector phase...
- associated TP 34 - The Role of C5aR2 in the Pathogenesis of Pemphigoid Diseases
- associated TP 35 - The role of IgG glycosylation in the attenuation of anaphylactic reaction
- associated TP 36 - Effects of different vaccination strategies on the development of different glycosylated IgG antibodies
- MD projects
- Associated MD projects
- Concluded projects