TP B2: Function of antigen-specific T cells for the pathogenesis of autoimmunity (experimental epidermolysis bullosa acquisita)
We focus on the modulation of antigen-specific immune responses, e.g. J Immunol 2011, Eur J Immunol 2013 and J Immunol 2013. We also showed that despite induction of a similar autoantibody response, the clinical outcome after immunization with type VII collagen using different adjuvants, is diverse: If TiterMax is used as an adjuvant, cutaneous blistering resembling epidermolysis bullosa acquisita is induced in the majority of mice. In contrast, mice remain healthy if they had been pre-immunized with the adjuvant Alum. In both experimental settings, that autoantibody response was almost comparable.
Based on these findings we here will investigate the morphology and function of the T cells during the immunization of mice with type VII collagen. These insights will aid the development of T cell modulatory treatments.
Sebastian graduated in Novemver 2017. Congratulations!

- Projects
- Projects
- Associated projects
- MD projects
- Associated MD projects
- Concluded projects
- Concluded TP
- TP1 - Modulation of isotypes
- TP2 - Targeted fusion proteins
- TP3 - Selective FcRn inhibition
- TP4 - IL-35, Treg and EAE
- TP5 - Apoptotic cells
- TP6 - Mast cell / T cell interactions
- TP7 - Fc gamma receptors
- TP8 - IgG- and C-receptors
- TP9 - IVIG
- TP10 - HMGB1 Protein
- TP11 - IL15 / IL15Rα
- TP12 - S100 proteins
- TP13 - Treatment-refractory B cells
- TP A1 - Treatment strategies
- TP A2 - B cell inhibition
- TP A3 - IL-17 in EBA
- TP A4 - The pathophysiological role of Th17cells in Bullous pemphigoid
- TP A5 - C5a/C5aR
- TP A6 - Signals leading to glycosylated antibodies
- TP A7 - IL-16 & MIF in autoimmunity
- TP B1 - B cell transcriptome
- TP B2 - Antigen-specific T cells
- TP B3 - Metabolomics
- TP B4 - Resident plasma cells
- TP B5 - Anti-CD37 antibodies
- TP B6 - Systemic Sclerosis
- Concluded Ass.TP
- Concluded MD TP
- Concluded Ass. MD TP
- Concluded TP
Principal investigator(s)
PhD student

Sebastian Klein